Thursday, April 15, 2010

Best Salesman Ever: Vince Offer

I am thoroughly convinced that Vince Offer is the greatest salesman in the history of TV infomercials. Sorry, Aaron, but Mr. T has nothing on the master of the ShamWow and the Slap Chop. I mean let's be honest, I know that I'm going to get the best deal from someone with the last name "Offer".

After watching the ShamWow infomercial upwards of 40 times, I know the entire breakdown of the towel that works when both wet and dry. Did you know that it holds 20X its weight in liquid? And of course I trust the ShamWow and more importantly Vince, becuase Vince told me that it was developed by the Germans and "you know the Germans always make good stuff." Last time that I cut out a portion of my shag carpet and put it on my counter, I too spilled a 2-Liter of Cola! I initially thought that my shag carpet was ruined, but then I remembered watching Vince with his ShamWow...

I also always trust a man who can keep his hoes in line.

1 comment:

  1. "You're going to love my nuts" is the greatest infomercial line of all time.

    That said, RonCo and Billy Mays are hard to beat. Also the "who's gottem" guy who sells baseball cards late night on QVC. Just hearing that makes me NEED a gem mint 10 Mark McGwire Team USA baseball rookie card. There are only 10 left!!!
